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BACKGROUND: Mounting evidence suggests that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are closely related to pathological complete response (pCR) in neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Here, we construct lncRNA associated models to predict pCR rate. METHODS: LncRNA expression profiles of breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) were obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus by repurposing existing microarray data. The prediction model was firstly built by analyzing the correlation between pCR and lncRNA expression in the discovery dataset GSE 25066 (n = 488). Another three independent datasets, GSE20194 (n = 278), GSE20271 (n = 178), and GSE22093 (n = 97), were integrated as the validation cohort to assess the prediction efficiency. RESULTS: A novel lncRNA signature (LRS) consisting of 36 lncRNAs was identified. Based on this LRS, patients with NAC treatment were divided into two groups: LRS-high group and LRS-low group, with positive correlation of pCR rate in the discovery dataset. In the validation cohort, univariate and multivariate analyses both demonstrated that high LRS was associated with higher pCR rate. Subgroup analysis confirmed that this model performed well in luminal B [odds ratio (OR) = 5.4; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.7-10.8; P = 1.47e-06], HER2-enriched (OR = 2.5; 95% CI = 1.1-5.7; P = .029), and basal-like (OR = 5.5; 95% CI = 2.3-16.2; P = 5.32e-04) subtypes. Compared with other preexisting prediction models, LRS demonstrated better performance with higher area under the curve. Functional annotation analysis suggested that lncRNAs in this signature were mainly involved in cancer proliferation process. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicated that our lncRNA signature was sensitive to predict pCR rate in the neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer, which deserves further evaluation.  相似文献   
An increasing number of dinosaur tracksites have been reported from the Cretaceous Hekou Group deposits of the Lanzhou-Minhe Basin in the Gansu Province region. These include small sites such as the Huazhuang tracksite, from the Honggu District reported here, the Zhongpu tracksite with multiple track levels but few well-preserved tracks, other small tracksites currently under investigation, and the large and diverse Liujixia National Dinosaur Geopark site at Yanguoxia, where intensive study is ongoing. Collectively these sites reveal that ichnofaunas in the Hekou Group are widespread and diverse. The Huazhuang tracksite yields a small assemblage of moderately well-preserved theropod tracks assigned to Asianopodus. This is the first report of Asianopodus from the Hekou Group. Huazhuang Asianopodus belongs to the Eubrontes morphotype. The large theropod tracks from Lanzhou-Minhe Basin were left by large theropod trackmakers with the same general foot morphology. The specimens are described in detail and compared with other theropod track morphotypes from the Lower Cretaceous of China and elsewhere. In general, although the metatarsophalangeal pads of some Jurassic Eubrontes-type tracks are aligned with the axis of digit III, this feature appears most common in the Early Cretaceous theropod (Eubrontes-type) tracks.  相似文献   
贵州紫云晒瓦群中放射虫Neoalbaillella动物群的发现   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
首次报道贵州紫云晚二叠世晒瓦群顶部硅质岩中Neoalbaillella动物群,计12种,5未定种,归属于12属9科4超科2亚目,其中1新属(Spongosphaeradiscus gen.nov.),2新种(Spongosphaeradiscus chaiwaensis sp.nov.和Copicyntra shaiwaensis sp.nov.)。根据这个动物群建立Neoalbaillella ornithoformis-Spongosphaeradiscus shaiwaen-sis带,与东亚和美国西海岸长兴期的Neoalbaillella ornithoformis带对比。  相似文献   
赵萌  张雪琦  张永霖  贾天下  吕晨璨  吴钢 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8075-8084
景感生态学思想融合自然要素、物理感知、心理认知等方面,并服务于土地利用与建设。北京市在迈向建设国际一流的和谐宜居之都目标过程中,极为重视城市居民对城市生态空间的感知和互动,充分体现了将城市生态空间与人居环境质量和心理健康耦合分析的景感生态学的理念。从结合景感生态学中景感营造的思想和顺义区生态规划实践的角度出发,分析了顺义区生态空间景观格局和视觉空间格局。结果表明,顺义区的森林、草地、湿地等斑块相对比较破碎,中心城区的森林、绿地较少;顺义区具有中等以下绿视率的路段长度占比近60%,中等以上水平尤其是较高水平绿视率的路段较少,具有较大的通过景感营造提升生态服务的空间。进而以提升顺义区的城市生态空间服务为目标,总结出了生态空间景观格局优化、视觉空间格局优化、生态空间科学规划及管控、生态系统服务综合提升4个核心愿景,并基于这4个愿景提出了针对性的景感营造措施。  相似文献   
生态网络识别与优化是保障区域生态安全格局,开展国土空间生态保护修复的重要研究手段。立足图论和景观生态学理论方法,以长江下游平原区的金坛区为例,利用遥感影像、土地利用数据、POI数据等,通过最小面积阈值、最佳距离阈值分析,识别了区域现状生态网络,开展了生态盲区指导下的生态网络优化,并对优化前后的生态网络性能、区域生境斑块重要性进行评价,取得以下研究结果:①开展生态盲区指导下生态网络优化,可显著提升区域景观连接度,且在生态水网区域具有较强适用性;②研究区存在生态景观断裂,生态网络布局亟待优化,经优化Harary指数增加了10.92倍,整体连接度指数提升了43.45%,可能性连接度指数提升了99.58%;③国土空间生态保护修复应重点关注关键区域整治,可采取重点斑块生态保护、关键节点生态修复、特殊区域生态建设等差异化生态网络修复策略。  相似文献   
借助于熵权法、耦合协调度研究甘州区土地利用与生态环境的关系, 为黑河流域中游甘州区的土地利用变化及生态环境保护指明方向。结果表明: ①甘州区由2003-2017年的土地利用综合指数由0.2613上升到0.6545, 增幅150%; 生态环境综合指数由2003年0.3809上升到2017年的0.4716, 增幅23.81%, 土地利用综合指数和生态环境综合指数都在持续提升。②甘州区土地利用与生态环境的耦合度整体呈现出上升的态势,处于中级耦合发展生态环境滞后型。③通过关联分析可知, 土地利用综合程度指数、三废排放量分别作为甘州区土地利用和生态环境最主要的影响因素, 今后适当加强土地利用程度, 减少三废排放量, 以促进土地利用与生态建设良好协调发展。  相似文献   
陆禹  佘济云  陈彩虹  佘宇晨  罗改改 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6384-6393
景观生态安全格局优化是改善生态环境、促进人与自然和谐发展的有效途径。为给海口市秀英区生态环境建设提供科学依据和景观生态安全格局优化方法改进提供参考,提出了粒度反推法和生态阻力面综合构建法,结合GIS技术和最小耗费距离模型探讨了海口市秀英区景观生态安全格局优化途径。结果表明:(1)400m粒度生态景观组分是秀英区生态源地选取的合适参照,秀英区有生态源地18块、生态廊道17条、生态节点11个,新增生态源地建设的参考规模为38.5hm2,生态源地的生态服务极限距离为800m,需将现有的11块非生态景观类型斑块转换为生态景观类型,总面积20.26 hm2。(2)粒度反推法能为生态源地选取提供客观参考,在生态源地选择方面比传统方法具有更强的理论基础和客观性,解决了客观选取生态源地的问题。(3)综合生态阻力面能对生态阻力的实际情况进行较好地模拟。显、隐性生态阻力面之间存在显著差异,能反映生态系统中潜在的生态薄弱点,这些生态薄弱点往往是容易被忽略而又需要重点建设的区域。  相似文献   
Five new phenylpropanoid glycosides, susaroysides A–E (15) were isolated from the fruits of Forsythia suspensa. Their structures were elucidated by comprehensive spectroscopic data analysis. The absolute configurations of their sugars were determined by GC analysis. Notably, susaroysides A–D possessed a sugar with an unsubstituted anomeric carbon, which is relatively rare in natural sources. Compound 1 exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity against the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α expression in macrophage cells with the IC50 value of 1.053 μM.  相似文献   
The placenta is a temporary vital organ for intra-uterine development and growth. The anatomical structure of the placenta has evolved substantially, resulting in broad inter-species diversity. In particular, human placental extravillous trophoblast cells (EVTs) have evolved aggressive features, although the mechanism underlying this aggressiveness remains elusive. In the present study, we compared the human and mouse homologous gene databases and obtained 2272 human-specific genes, 807 of which are expressed in the placenta according to the UniGene database. Using the human trophoblast cell line HTR8/SVneo, we further verified the expression and function of one of these genes, the leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 2 (LAIR2). This gene shows increased expression during pregnancy and its reduced expression is associated with pregnancy complications. Although LAIR2 was expressed in the human placenta villus and decidua in the first trimester of pregnancy, it was not expressed in mouse tissues. Knockdown of LAIR2 markedly improved cell viability and inhibited the invasive ability of HTR8/SVneo cells. These data suggest that species-specific genes are pivotal to the evolution of a more aggressive human placenta to match the physiological demands of human development. Further investigation is required to obtain evidence on the function of LAIR2 and other specific genes in the placenta, providing insight on the mechanism, properties, and possible applications of this in humans.  相似文献   
王敏  朱安娜  汪洁琼  卢天凤 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7035-7046
从社会维度的视角分析评价生态系统所提供的各种效用,必然涉及供需双方。在提供城市公共服务的过程中,城市公园绿地的空间配置会潜在地影响社会效益享用的平等与有效性,是具有显著空间属性的社会资源。研究同时关注城市公园绿地与居住人口(使用者)的空间布局特征,提出基于社会公平正义的生态系统服务供需关系的研究框架,从"地域平等"、"社会公平"与"社会正义"3个层次评估城市公园绿地的空间配置对于社会服务有效供给能力的影响,进而关联使用者需求空间特征分析供需匹配关系。研究构建基于社会公平正义的6个指标反映城市公园绿地社会服务供需状况,并选取上海徐汇区进行实证研究。研究结果表明:(1)徐汇区城市公园绿地存在供需空间不匹配状况,尤其是口袋公园层面存在较大缺口;(2)空间布局均好性较高,地域平等性较好;(3)人均享有绿地资源水平还有待提高,社会公平性不足;(4)进一步地在社会正义层面,评价结果显示过去进行城市公园绿地空间布局决策时并没有特别关注老年人、青少年群体,各个空间单元差距较大,且这两类使用人群密度较高的空间单元在这两个指标上往往低于平均水平,社会正义性亟待提高。研究为实现城市公园绿地空间的社会效益均衡、高效、可持续发展提供了有益的探索。  相似文献   
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